What an amazing weekend. An exciting and long overdue milestone achieved for our community.

When our committee formed in 2015, we gave ourselves many goals to work towards so that we could bring our group up to where we wanted it to be. One of these long-term goals was to take our group on a performing tour of Croatia, and the other was to renovate our dilapidated church hall. How extremely proud and thankful we are that both of these long-term goals are being carried out a mere four years later!

As many other Croatian community groups and organisations would know, it’s not always an easy task to keep our legacy going, but we keep on keeping on. “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.”

Our committee wishes to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our Mladi Hrvati members for their continued support and loyalty; to our broader Croatian community here in Victoria for their support and encouragement; and to our immediate families for their unwavering support and patience in allowing us to work the hours that we do so that we are able to achieve our goals.

With that being said, we still have many more goals to get to, so stand-by as we begin to tick them off our list.

God Bless!

Mladi Hrvati Committee